Filler Text Tool

How to use our free Filler Text Tool

Generate filler or dummy text for your mockup design or web page template using our Filler Text Tool.

You can select the number of paragraphs you would like generated. Each section comprises random sentences chosen from Lorem Ipsum, a commonly used placeholder text for demonstration purposes.

Enable the "HTML Tag" option to wrap each paragraph with p tag.

After you complete the selection, click the "Generate" button, and Filler Text according to your requirements is generated. Total tasks to Save As, Copy, Delete, and Print with the generated document.


For example, using the free Filler Text Tool with Number of paragraphs: 7

Example using the free Filler Text Tool

For example, using the free Filler Text Tool with HTML Tag and Number of paragraphs: 7

For example, using the free Filler Text Tool with HTML Tag